Our Top Ten: Spring Reset for Outdoor Living
By Barbara Schmidt, studiobstyle, inc.
Photo Credit: Tim Nehotte; Interior Designer Barbara Schmidt, studobstyle.com
Warmer weather is upon us and we are already diving into our weekend warrior lists for the summer season. In the New North we have distinctive seasons that require cleaning and preparation every year to enjoy our properties.
Here are our top ten must do’s in preparation for outdoor living:
Furniture covers come off and before you fold them up for the summer spray them off and let them dry in the sun. Gently wash them with a sponge and dish soap if need be to remove any mold.
Power wash decking, railings, and flashing. Clear leaves and leftover grime from the snowmelt.
Photo courtesy of Marvin.com; Interior Designer Barbara Schmidt, studobstyle.com
3. Wipe down exterior sconces and patio doors. Cobwebs be gone!
4. Remove all holiday decor from your planters and don’t forget to replace the topsoil. Pine needles are very acidic and can wilt or kill tender spring plants.
5. Recycle any organic material such as evergreen boughs into the woods for wildlife nesting.
6. Trim and prune ornamental pines now and make sure to spray for sawflies in the next few weeks.
Photo Credit Tim Nehotte Photo; Barbara Schmidt, studiobstyle.com
7. Pull out garden tools and give them a good cleaning. And while you are at it give your wheelbarrow a check. Better to find that flat tire now and get it repaired before those first garden projects.
Photo courtesy of Pat Barry; Interior Designer Barbara Schmidt, studiobstyle.com
8. Schedule window washing now with a subcontractor. Or if you clean a few windows every weekend, they all will be done before Memorial Day.
9. Start pulling garlic mustard and buckthorn now and for the next four weeks. It’s a lot easier while the roots are still in the frost line.
10. Mark which planting beds need mulch refreshing and get that ordered.
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